The club's take over by Asia Football Investments - headed by Aiyawatt 'Top' Raksriaksorn - was first agreed in August. Milan Mandaric became a member of the consortium along with one other investor.
However, the club have continually promised to reveal the final shareholder and yet three months have passed and the final investor still remains unidentified, tarnishing Raksriaksorn's reputation.
The following statement was released by Ian Bason, head of the supporters group: 'The takeover of Leicester City by Asia Football Investments was ratified by the Football League a month ago, yet our fans have still not been supplied with details of all parties involved in the takeover.
The takeover is the first to be subject to the new Football League transparency rules and we feel on behalf of all fans across the country it is our duty to ensure that these new guidelines guarantee fans of any club which undergoes a takeover are informed in a timely manner.
We are requesting that the Football League applies pressure on our club to inform its supporters and not let the new transparency rules be watered down by individual clubs failing to communicate with its supporters.
Our stance is also influenced by the current Chairman and Chief Executive of our club constantly repeating statements that ‘fans will be the first to know’ which by its actions could not be further from the truth.'
The failure to identitiy the final shareholder of the Asia Football Investments group may seem insignificant and trivial to many supports, however, it is something that has angered many fans and thanks to the Foxes Trust's persistence, Aiyawatt Raksriarksorn will now know the importance of revealing the final shareholder in order to regain the trust of these fans.